Prof. Dr. phil. Peter Kramer,
Institut für Theoretische Physik der Universität,
Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tübingen
- Group Theory and the Interaction of Composite Nucleon Systems
P Kramer G John and D Schenzle
Vieweg Braunschweig 1981
- Geometry of the Time-dependent Variational Principle in Quantum
P Kramer and M Saraceno
Lecture Notes in Physics 140, Springer Berlin 1981
Book editions.
- Proc. VI. Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Tuebingen 1977,
Lecture Notes in Physics 79, Berlin 1978
Ed. P Kramer and A Rieckers
- Groups, Systems and Many-Body Physics
Eds. P Kramer and M Dal Cin
Vieweg, Braunschweig 1980
- A Unified Theory of the Nucleus
K Wildermuth and Y C Tang
Series Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei Vol. 1
Eds. K Wildermuth and P Kramer
Vieweg, Braunschweig 1977
- Clusters as Subsystems in Light Nuclei
V Kukulin V G Neudatchin I T Obukhovski and Yu F Smirnov
Direct Cluster Reactions - Progress Towards a Unified Theory
D F Jackson
Series Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei Vol. 3
Eds. K Wildermuth and P Kramer
Vieweg, Braunschweig 1983
- Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Quasicrystals
Eds. F Gaehler, P Kramer, H-R Trebin, K Urban
Mater. Sci. Eng. A 294-296
Elsevier, Amsterdam 2000
- Covering of Discrete Quasiperiodic Sets: Theory and Applications to
Quasicrystals. Springer Tracts in Modern Physics vol. 180
Eds. P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Berlin 2003
- Drei-Alpha-Zerfall von C12*(16, 11MeV )
P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 16 a (1961) 1245
- Evidence for three alpha particle break-up of C12*(16.11MeV )
D Dehnhard D Kamke and P Kramer
in: Proc. Rutherford Jub. Int. Conf. Manchester 1961
- Energieverlust und Reichweite von α-Teilchen in Bor im Energiebereich
von 0.2 bis 5.3 MeV
P Kramer and D Kamke
Z. Physik 168 (1962) 465
- Verallgemeinerte Dalitz-Diagramme in der Niederenergie-Kernphysik
D Dehnhard D Kamke and P Kramer
Phys. Lett. 3 (1962) 52
- Symmetrieangepasste Funktionen fuer ein System aus drei Teilchen
verschiedener Masse
P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 18 a (1963) 260
- Bemerkung zu der Arbeit: Desintegration (α - Be8) du Niveau 16.11
MeV 2+ du C12, Phys. Lett. 9 (1964) 171
D Dehnhard D Kamke and P Kramer
Phys. Lett. 12 (1964) 113
- Der Zerfall von Kohlenstoff 12 in drei α-Teilchen bei der Kernreaktion
D Dehnhard D Kamke and P Kramer
Annalen der Physik 14 (1964) 201-220
- Eine Reaktionskammer zur Messung komplexer Kernreaktionen
D Dehnhard and P. Kramer
Nucl. Instr. Meth. 26 (1964) 337
- Symmetriegruppen eines einfachen Dreiteilchensystems
P Kramer
Annalen der Physik 15 (1965) 278
- Angular momenta and Pauli principle in nuclear reactions a + A →
C* → b
1 + b2 + b3
P Kramer
Rev. Mod. Phys. 37 (1965) 346
- Group theory of harmonic oscillators (III). States with permutational
P Kramer and M Moshinsky
Nucl. Phys. 82 (1966) 241-273
- U3 symmetry and clustering in the harmonic oscillator shell model
P Kramer
Phys. Lett. 21 (1966) 182-184
- Factorization of projection operators for the symmetric group
P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 21 a (1966) 657
- Energy levels of the four nucleon system
P Kramer and M Moshinsky
Phys. Lett. 23 (1966) 547
- Irreducible representations of the semi-direct product group Kn = An :
Sn and the harmonic oscillator shell model
P Kramer
J. Math. Phys. 9 (1968) 639
- Group theory of harmonic oscillators and nuclear structure
P Kramer and M Moshinsky
in: Group Theory and its Application, Ed. E M Loebl, 340-468,
Academic Press, New York 1968
- Group theory of harmonic oscillators (IV). Dynamics of the 2, 3, and
4 particle systems
P Kramer and M Moshinsky
Nucl. Phys. A 107 (1968) 481-522
- Orbital fractional parentage coefficients for the harmonic oscillator shell
P Kramer
Z. Physik 205 (1967) 181
- Studies in the nuclear cluster model (I). Matrix elements in the
supermultiplet scheme
P Kramer and T H Seligman
Nucl. Phys. A 123 (1969) 161
- Studies in the nuclear cluster model (II). Two-cluster configurations
P Kramer and T H Seligman
Nucl. Phys. A 136 (1969) 545
- Recoupling coefficients of the symmetric group for shell and cluster
model configurations
P Kramer
Z. Phys. 216 (1968) 68
- Group theory of harmonic oscillators (V). The harmonic oscillator shell
P Kramer and M Moshinsky
Nucl. Phys. A 215 (1969) 321
- Origin of Regge symmetry for Wigner coefficients of SU(2)
P Kramer and T H Seligman
Z. Physik 219 (1969) 105
- Harmonic-oscillator states and the α-particle II. Configuration-space
states of arbitrary symmetry
V C Aguilera-Navarro P Kramer and M Moshinsky
Ann. of Physics (N.Y.) 54 (1969) 379
- Group theory and the supermultiplet scheme
P Kramer
in: Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei, IAEA, Vienna 1969
- On general transformation brackets for harmonic oscillator states
P Kramer
Rev. Mexicana de Fisica 19 (1970) 241-252
- Permutation group in light nuclei
P Kramer
in: Proc. XV Solvay Congress on Symmetry Properties of Nuclei,
Brussels 1970, 211-229, Gordon and Breach, New York 1974
- Studies in the nuclear cluster model (III). k-cluster configurations
P Kramer and T H Seligman
Nucl. Phys. A 186 (1972) 49
- Oscillator fractional parentage and supermultiplet expansion for states
of light nuclei
P Kramer and D Schenzle
Nucl. Phys. A 204 (1973) 593
- Supermultiplet expansion and effective interactions in the nuclear
G John and P Kramer
Nucl. Phys. A 204 (1973) 203
- Cluster representations and rotational states
J Beam P Kramer and K Wildermuth
Particles and Nuclei 5 (1973) 145
- Some applications of canonical transformations in Bargmann Hilbert
P Kramer and D Schenzle
Rev. Mexicana de Fisica 22 (1973) 25
- Complex extension of canonical transformations and quantum
P Kramer M Moshinsky and T H Seligman
in: Group Theory and its Applications vol. 3, Ed. E M Loebl, 250-332
Academic Press, New York 1975
- Symmetries of cluster configurations
P Kramer
in: Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei II, Proc. Second Int. Conf.,
Maryland 1975
- Finite representations of the unitary group and their applications in
many-body physics
P Kramer
in: Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Ed. R T Sharp, New York 1977
- Composite particles and symplectic (semi-)groups
P Kramer
in: Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Eds. P Kramer and A Rieckers,
Lecture Notes in Physics 79, Springer, Berlin 1978
- Nonbijective canonical transformations and their representation in
quantum mechanics
P Kramer M Moshinsky and T H Seligman
J. Math. Phys. 19 (1978) 683
- Semigroups of length increasing transformations
M Brunet and P Kramer
Rep. Math. Phys. 16 (1979) 9
- Complex extension of the representation of the symplectic group
associated with the canonical commutation relations
M Brunet and P Kramer
Rep. Math. Phys. 17 (1980) 205-215
- Group theory and the interaction of composite nucleon systems
P Kramer
in: Symmetries in Science, Eds. B Gruber and R S Millman, Plenum,
New York 1980, 177-188
- Symplectic structures in nuclear many-body systems
P Kramer and M Saraceno
in: Proc. Seminar Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Ed. V I Manko,
Moscow 1980
- Geometry of the time-dependent variational principle in quantum
P Kramer and M Saraceno
in: Proc. IX Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Ed. K B Wolf,
Lecture Notes in Physics 135, Springer, Berlin 1980
- Collective motion, composite particle structure, and symplectic groups
in nuclei
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
in: Proc. IX Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Ed. K B Wolf,
Lecture Notes in Physics 135, Springer, Berlin 1980
- Effects of the Pauli principle for nucleons in a classical phase space
B Boll and P Kramer
Physica 114 A (1982) 463
- The Pauli principle for two particles in a dequantization scheme based
on coherent states
B Boll and P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 38 a (1983) 1049-1053
- Orbits in phase space under the direct product of the collective and
intrinsic group U(3) × U(n)
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
Physica 114 A (1982) 309
- Semi-coherent states and the group ISp(2,R)
P Kramer and M Saraceno
Physica 114 A (1982) 448
- The unitary group U(3) in nuclear composite particle reactions
R Bader and P Kramer
Physica 114 A (1982) 306
- Symmetriestrukturen der Physik
P Kramer
Die Naturwissenschaften 69 (1982) 114-122
- Non-periodic central space filling with icosahedral symmetry using
copies of seven elementary cells
P Kramer
Acta Cryst. A 38 (1982) 257-264
- On the theory of collective motion in nuclei I. Classical theory
P Kramer
Ann. Phys.(N.Y.) 141 (1982) 254
- On the theory of collective motion in nuclei II. Quantum theory
P Kramer
Ann. Phys.(N.Y.) 141 (1982) 269
- On the theory of collective motion in nuclei III. From Hamiltonian
dynamics to vortex-free fluidity
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and W Schweizer
Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 149 (1983) 44-57
- Time-dependent variational description of α - α scattering
M Saraceno P Kramer and F Fernandez
Nucl. Phys. A 405 (1983) 88-108
- A geometric classical model of collective motion in nuclei
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and P Kramer
Nucl. Phys. A 431 (1984) 75-89
- On periodic and non-periodic space fillings of Em obtained by projection
P Kramer and R Neri
Acta Cryst. A 40 (1984) 580-587
- Geometric properties of the lowest energy state for a polynomial
W Schweizer and P Kramer
in: Proc. XII Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Trieste 1984,
Lecture Notes in Physics 201, Eds. H Araki et al., 508-510, Berlin 1984
- Is it possible to separate the kinetic energy and the velocity field into a
collective and an intrinsic part w.r.t. the Gl+(3,R) collectivity?
Z Papadopolos and P Kramer
in: Proc. XII Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Trieste 1984,
Lecture Notes in Physics 201, Eds. H Araki et al., 368-370, Berlin 1984
- Moment maps, symplectic manifolds, coherent states applied to nuclear
collective motion
P Kramer
J. de Phys. Suppl. au no.6 (1984) 79-86
- The lowest energy state for a polynomial Hamiltonian and its geometric
W Schweizer and P Kramer
J Phys. A 17 (1984) 3169-3182
- The U(3) principle causes nuclear molecular resonances
R Bader and P Kramer
Nucl. Phys. A 441 (1985) 174-188
- On the microscopic realisation of the CM(3) or MQC model for
nuclear collective motion
Z Papadopolos and P Kramer
J Phys. A 18 (1986) 2653-2673
- Hilbert spaces of analytic functions and representations of the positive
discrete series of Sp(6,R)
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
J Phys. A 19 (1986) 1083-1092
- A quantum model of collective motion in nuclei and its dequantization
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and W Schweizer
Nucl. Phys. A 441 (1985) 461-477
- A class of unitary representations of the Lie group Sp(3,R), its coherent
states, and its map to a symplectic realization on Sp*(3,R)
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and W Schweizer
J. Math. Phys. 27 (1986) 24-28
- Orbits and coherent states of the symplectic group and collective theory
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and W Schweizer
in: Phase space approach to nuclear dynamics, Ed. M di Toro et al.,
World Scientific, Singapore 1986
- Generating kernels for the boson realization of symplectic algebras
O Castanos P Kramer and M Moshinsky
J.Phys. A 18 (1985) 493-498
- Boson realization of Sp(4,R) II. The generating kernel formulation
O Castanos P Kramer and M Moshinsky
J. Math. Phys. 27 (1986) 924-935
- Nichtperiodische Kristalle mit fuenfzaehliger Symmetrie
P Kramer
Phys. Bl. 41 (1985) 103-104
- On the theory of a non-periodic quasilattice associated with the
icosahedral group
P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 40 a (1985) 775-788
- Non-periodic quasicrystals: Theory and experiment
P Kramer
Proc. Int. Conf. on Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Seoul 1985, Ed. Y
M Cho, 394-397, World Scientific, Singapore 1986
- Some answers but more questions
A L Mackay and P Kramer
Nature 316 (1985) 17-18
- Diffraction and layer structure of a quasilattice
P Kramer and L Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 40 a (1985) 1162-1163
- Quasilattices in E3 and their projection from lattices in En
P Kramer
J. de Phys. Coll. C 3 (1986) 75-81
- On the theory of a non-periodic quasilattice associated with the
icosahedral group II
P Kramer
Z. Naturforsch. 41 a (1986) 897-911
- Grundgedanken zur Symmetrie im Werk von Johannes Kepler
P Kramer
in: Symmetrie in Kunst, Natur und Wissenschaft, Ausstellung
Mathildenhoehe Darmstadt, Katalog Band 1, 115-127, 1986
- Quasikristalle
K Urban P Kramer und M Wilkens
Phys. Bl. 42 (1986) 373-378
- Continuous rotation from cubic to icosahedral order
P Kramer
Acta Cryst. A 43 (1987) 486-489
- Polyhedra of three quasilattices associated with the icosahedral group
R W Haase L Kramer P Kramer and H Lalvani
Acta Cryst. A 43 (1987) 574-587
- Group/subgroup techniques and the structure of quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Proc. XV. Int. Conf. Diff. Geometric Meth. in Theor. Phys.,
Clausthal 1986, Eds. H D Doebner and J D Hennig, 423-437, World
Scientific, Singapore 1987
- Dynamical symmetry in nuclear collective and reaction physics
P Kramer
in: Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of Nuclear Dynamics, Ed. A
Raduta, 120-134, Lecture Notes in Physics 279, Springer 1987
- ”’Das Pentagramma macht Dir Pein?”’, Violation of periodic
symmetry in quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Proc. XV Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Philadelphia
1986, Ed. R Gilmore, 146-161, World Scientific, Singapore 1987
- Symplectic decomposition of reaction channels
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
in: Proc. XV Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Philadelphia
1986, Ed. R Gilmore, 391-398, World Scientific, Singapore 1987
- Atomic order in quasicrystals is supported by several unit cells
P Kramer
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 1 (1987) 7-18
- Non-periodic translational order in quasicrystals with stable atomic
density on several cells
P. Kramer
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 1 (1987) 145-166
- A new approach to non-periodic order in solids
P Kramer
in: Proc. XVI. Int. Coll. Group Theor. Meth. in Physics, Varna 1987,
Eds. H D Doebner and R D Palev, 370-376
- Space-group theory for a non-periodic icosahedral quasilattice
P Kramer
J. Math. Phys. 29 (1988) 516-524
- Bravais classification of non-periodic quasilattices on the line
P Kramer
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2 (1988) 605-611
- From quasicrystals to crystals: an illustrative example
P Kramer and U Thomas
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 2 (1988) 273-286
- Quasicrystals: from periodic to non-periodic order in solids
P Kramer
in: Fractals, Quasicrystals, Chaos, Knots and Algebraic Quantum
Mechanics, Eds. A Amann et al., 73-91, Kluwer, Dordrecht 1988
- Group theory of icosahedral quasicrystals
P Kramer and R W Haase
in: Aperiodic Crystals vol. 2, Ed. M Jaric, 81-146, Academic Press, New
York 1988
- What are the cells of a quasicrystal?
P Kramer
in: Quasicrystalline Materials, Proc. Ill/CODEST Workshop Grenoble
1988, Eds. Ch Janot and J M Dubois, 246-271, World Scientific,
Singapore 1988
- N-dimensional crystallography applied to quasicrystals
P Kramer
Z. f. Kristallographie 185 (1988) 90
- The Fibonacci quasicrystal reconsidered: variety of energy spectra for
continuous Schroedinger equations with simple potentials
U Thomas and P Kramer
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 8 (1989) 1205-1235
- On the cell structure for non-periodic long-range order in solids
P Kramer
in: Quasicrystals and Incommensurate Structures in Condensed Matter,
Eds. J M Yacaman et al., 20-49, World Scientific, Singapore 1990
- The vertices of the ideal 3D icosahedral quasicrystal
M Baake S I Ben-Abraham P Kramer and M Schlottmann
in: Quasicrystals and Incommensurate Structures in Condensed Matter,
Eds. J M Yacaman et al., 85-95, World Scientific, Singapore 1990
- Dualization of Voronoi domains and klotz construction: a general
method for the generation of proper space filling
P Kramer and M Schlottmann
J. Phys. A 22 (1989) L1097-L1102
- Structure factors for icosahedral quasicrystals
P Kramer and D Zeidler
Acta Cryst. A 45 (1989) 524-533
- The triangle pattern - a new quasiperiodic tiling with fivefold symmetry
M Baake P Kramer M Schlottmann and D Zeidler
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4 (1990) 249-258
- Planar patterns with fivefold symmetry as sections of periodic structures
in 4-space
M Baake P Kramer M Schlottmann and D Zeidler
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 4 (1990) 2217-68
condensed version in: Quasicrystals, Networks, and Molecules of
Fivefold Symmetry, Ed. I. Hargittai, 127-157, VCH Publishers,
Weinheim 1990
- Root lattices and quasicrystals
M Baake D Joseph P Kramer and M Schlottmann
J. Phys. A 23 (1990) L1037-41
- Makroskopische Quasikristalle
H R Trebin und P Kramer
Phys. Bl. 46 (1990) 18-19
- Group theory for non-periodic long-range order in quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Symmetries in Science III, Eds. B Gruber and F Iachello, 225-241,
Plenum, New York 1990
- Theoretical aspects of non-periodic order in quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Disordered Systems and New Materials, Eds. M Borissov N Kirov
and A Vavrek, 323-336, World Scientific, Singapore 1989
- Symmetries of icosahedral quasicrystals
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and D Zeidler
in: Symmetries in Science V: Algebraic Structures, their
Representations, Realizations and Physical Application, Ed. B Gruber
LC Biedenharn and H D Doebner, 395-427, Plenum 1991
- Quasicrystals
P Guyot P Kramer and M de Boissieu
Reports on Progress in Physics 54 (1991) 1373-1425
- The root lattice D6 and icosahedral quasicrystals
P Kramer Z Papadopolos and D Zeidler
in: Group Theory in Physics, AIP Conf. Proc. 266, Eds. A Frank, T H
Seligman and K B Wolf, 179-200, New York 1992
- The Schur rotation as a simple approach to the transition between
quasiperiodic and periodic phases
M Baake D Joseph and P Kramer
J. Phys. A 24 (1991) L961-
- On the relation between decagonal and icosahedral quasicrystals
A Knupfer and P Kramer
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 5 (1991) 1543-51
- Studies on the cell structure of quasicrystals
P Kramer
Phase Trans. 44 (1993) 195-206
- Transitions between quasiperiodic and periodic phases by one-parameter
Schur rotations
M Baake D Joseph and P Kramer
in: Crystal-Quasicrystal Transitions, Eds. M Torres and M J Yacaman,
Elsevier 1993, 173-191
- Electronic states of the continuous Schrödinger equation for the
Fibonacci chain
D Joseph M Baake and P Kramer
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 153,154 (1993) 394-7
- Regular and defective vertex configurations in icosahedral structures
S I Ben-Abraham M Baake A Joseph P Kramer and M Schlottmann
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 153,154 (1993) 132-6
- Schur rotations, transitions between quasiperiodic and periodic phases,
and rational approximants
P Kramer M Baake and D Joseph
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 153,154 (1993) 650-3
- The F-type icosahedral phase: tilings and vertex models
Z Papadopolos P Kramer and D Zeidler
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 153,154 (1993) 215-20
- Periodic clustering in the spectrum of quasiperiodic Kronig-Penney
M Baake D Joseph and P Kramer
Phys. Lett. A 186 (1992) 199-208
- Algebraic structures for 1D quasiperiodic systems
P Kramer
J. Phys. A26 (1993) 213-228
- Non-commutative crystallography applied to quasicrystals
P Kramer
Anales de Fisica, Monografias, vol. 2, 370-3, M. A. del Olmo, M.
Santander, Eds., CIEMAT/RSEF, Madrid 1993
- Non-commutative models for ADE root lattices
J Garcia-Escudero and P Kramer
Anales de Fisica, Monografias, vol. 1, 339-42, M. A. del Olmo, M.
Santander, Eds., CIEMAT/RSEF, Madrid 1993
- Free groups, their automorphism groups, applications
P Kramer
in: Symmetries in Science VI, Eds. B. Gruber, H.D. Doebner, F.
Iachello, Plenum 1993, 415-430
- Fricke-Klein geometry for the group Sl(2,C)
P Kramer
J. Phys. Lett. A26 (1993) L245-L250
- Modelling of quasicrystals
P Kramer
Physica Scripta T49 (1993) 343-348
- An interpretation of 2D quasiperiodic patterns in terms of
automorphisms of free groups
J Garcia-Escudero and P Kramer
J. Phys. Lett. A26 (1993) L1029-L1035
- The Mosseri-Sadoc tilings derived from the root lattice D6
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
Canad. J. Phys. 72 (1993) to appear
- Substitutional sequences for 2D quasiperiodic patterns
J Garcia-Escudero and P Kramer
Proc. Third Int. Wigner Symp., Oxford (1993)
- Automorphisms of free groups and quasicrystals
P Kramer and J Garcia-Escudero
Proc. Third Int. Wigner Symp., Oxford (1993)
- From the weight lattice D6R to quasiperiodic tilings
Z Papadopolos M Baake R Klitzing and P. Kramer
Proc. Third Int. Wigner Symp., Oxford (1993)
- Involutive generators and actions for the group Φ2
P Kramer
J. Phys. A27 (1994) 2011-22
- Classification of local configurations in quasicrystals
M Baake S I Ben-Abraham R Klitzing P Kramer and M Schlottmann
Acta Cryst. A50 (1994) 553-66
- Diffusion in 2D Quasi-Crystals
D Joseph M Baake P Kramer and H R Trebin
Europhys. Lett. 27 (1994) 451-456
- Projection of the Danzer tilings
P Kramer Z Papadopolos M Schlottmann and D Zeidler
J. Phys.A27 (1994) 4505-4517
- Non-Commutative Models for Quasicrystals
P Kramer and J Garcia-Escudero
in: Beyond Quasicrystals, Eds. F. Axel and D. Gratias, Springer, Berlin
1995, p. 55-73
- Atomic Clusters and Electrons in the Burkov Model of AlCuCo
P Kramer A Quandt M Schlottmann and T Schneider
Phys. Rev. B51 (1995) 8815
- Generators and subgroups for Aut(F3)
P Kramer
J. Phys. A28 (1995) 379-389
- Geometry of automorphisms for free groups
P Kramer
in: Symmetries in Science VIII, Ed. B. Gruber, Plenum Press, New
York 1995
- Non-Euclidean crystallography
M Lorente and P Kramer
in: Symmetries in Science VIII, Ed. B. Gruber, Plenum Press, New
York 1995, 315-329
- Phonon-spectrum of an F-type icosahedral quasicrystal
H Simon, M Baake and P Kramer
Z. Physik B (1995) 509-512
- Models of icosahedral quasicrystals from 6D lattices
Z Papadopolos and P Kramer
in: Aperiodic 94, Proc. Int. Conf. Aperiodic Crystals, Eds. G. Chapuis
and W Paciorek, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 70-76
- Dynamical properties of F-type icosahedral tilings
H Simon, M Baake and P. Kramer
in: Aperiodic 94, Proc. Int. Conf. Aperiodic Crystals, Eds. G. Chapuis
and W Paciorek, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 174-7
- Local electronic properties of the Burkov model
P Kramer, A Quandt, M Schlottmann and T Schneider
in: Aperiodic 94, Proc. Int. Conf. Aperiodic Crystals, Eds. G. Chapuis
and W Paciorek, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 207-211
- Fibonacci orbits and SU(2) dynamics
H Wagner and P Kramer
J. Phys. A28 (1995) 2563–2580
- Decomposition of plane waves into irreducible representations of space
H Teuscher and P Kramer
Z. Naturf. 50 (1995) 1001-1007
- Generation of 3D icosahedral quasicrystals by matching phases in
physical space
C Hohneker, P Kramer, Z Papadopolos and R V Moody
in: Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Quasicrystals, Avignon 1995, Eds. Ch. Janot
and R. Mosseri, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 112-115
- Non-commutative geometry for quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Aperiodic 94, Proc. Int. Conf. Aperiodic Crystals, Eds. G. Chapuis
and W. Paciorek, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 59-69
- Space groups on the quantum torus
P Kramer
J. Phys. A28 (1995) 6405-15
- Break-down of translational symmetry in quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Proc. Int. Conf. Quasicrystals, Avignon 1995, Eds. Ch. Janot and
R. Mosseri, World Scientific, Singapore 1996, p. 39-42
- Simulation of Mößbauer absorption spectra for decagonal AlCuCo
A Quandt, P Kramer and T Schneider
in: Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Quasicrystals, Avignon 1995, Eds. Ch. Janot
and R. Mosseri, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 212-215
- Defective vertices in perfect icosahedral quasicrystals
M Baake, S I Ben-Abraham, D Joseph, P Kramer and M Schlottmann
Acta Cryst. A51 (1995) 587-8
- Quasikristalle - ungew”ohnliche Physik in hochgeordneten Strukturen
P Kramer
Phys. Bl. 51 (1995) 954-5
- Symmetry concepts for quasicrystals and noncommutative
P Kramer and Z Papadopolos
Proc. ASI Aperiodic Long Range Order, Waterloo 1995, Ed. R.V.
Moody, Kluwer, New York 1995, p. 307-330
- Atomic clusters and electrons in the Burkov model of AlCuCo
P Kramer, A Quandt, M Schlottmann and T Schneider
Phys. Rev.B 51 (1995) 8815-29
- Local electronic properties of the Burkov model
in: Aperiodic ‘94, Eds. G Chapuis and W Paciorek, World Scientific,
Singapore 1995, p. 207-211
- Dynamical properties of F-type icosahedral tilings
H Simon, M Baake, and P Kramer
in: Aperiodic ‘94, Eds. G Chapuis and W Paciorek, World Scientific,
Singapore 1995, p. 25-29
- Simulation of Mössbauer absorption spectra for decagonal AlCuCo
P Kramer, A Quandt, Th Schneider and H Teuscher
Phys. Rev. B 55(1997) 8793-8800
- Tubular structure in α-rhombohedral quasicrystals: ab initio study of
two fused boron icosahedra
L Boustani, A Quandt und P Kramer
Europhys. Lett. 36 (1996) 583-588
- Generation of 3D icosahedral quasicrystals by matching phases in
physical space
C Hohneker, P Kramer, Z Papadopolos and R V Moody
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M Lorente and P Kramer
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P Kramer, U Beck and S I Ben-Abraham
in: Symmetries in Science IX, Ed. B. Gruber and M. Ramek, Plenum,
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M Lorente and P Kramer
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- Tiling theory applied to the surface structure of icosahedral AlPdMn
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M Lorente and P Kramer
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- Quasicrystals: Atomic coverings and windows are dual projects
P Kramer
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P Kramer
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P Kramer
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- Delone Clusters, Covering and Linkage in the Quasiperiodic Triangle
P Kramer
J. Phys. A 33 (2000) 7885-7901
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P Kramer
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- The double torus as a 2D cosmos: Geometry, groups, and closed
P Kramer and M Lorente
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- Inflation and wavelets for the icosahedral Danzer tiling
P Kramer and M Andrle
J. Phys. A 37 (2004) 3443-3457
- Surface embedding, topology and dualization for spin networks
P Kramer and M Lorente
J. Phys. A 35 (2002) 8563-8574
- Covering presentation and coloring of dual canonical tilings
P Kramer
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- Coverings in the structure of quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Quasicrystals, Structure and Physical Properties,
Ed. H.-R. Trebin, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2003, 105-117
- Wavelets in the structure and physics of quasicrystals
P Kramer
in: Quasicrystals, Structure and Physical Properties,
Ed. H.-R. Trebin, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2003, 118-122
- Group actions on compact hyperbolic manifolds and closed geodesics
P Kramer
CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 34 (2004) 113-124
- Interaction and fusion of Dirac particles
P Kramer
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Eds. H Moya-Cessa, R Jauregui, S Hacyan and O Castanos, Rinton
Press, Princeton 2003, 203-209
- Interaction and fusion of elementary systems
P Kramer
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M Lorente and P Kramer
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- An invariant operator due to F. Klein quantizes H. Poincarés
dodecahedral 3-manifold
P Kramer
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- Harmonic polynomials on the Poincaré dodecahedral 3-manifold
P Kramer
J. of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 6 (2006) 55-66
- Quasiperiodic systems
P Kramer
in: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Eds. J.-P. Francoise, G. L.
Naber, Sh. Tsun Tsou, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2006), 308-315
- Quasicrystals
U Grimm and P Kramer
in: Untitled, Springer 2008
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